Quality policy

Our quality management system, certified according to ISO:9001, is under constant development in order to ensure continuous customer satisfaction and creation of value. We pursue concrete and ambitious improvement targets in all functions and at all corporate levels.

Our active leadership translates into action the basic values for quality awareness. Our management style is open and based on involvement of employees. Fulfilment of our quality goals is ensured through delegation, motivation and management consistency.

We conduct an open dialogue with our customers about their requirements and expectations. We systematically collect and process customer information to ensure continuously improved quality of our products and services as well as improved customer satisfaction.

Through targeted development of the personal and professional skills of the individual employees, we create quality-conscious and innovative employees who actively contribute to promoting and developing a quality-oriented corporate culture.

We are continuously working to develop a value-adding co-operation with our suppliers.

We make the same quality demands on our suppliers’ products and services as on our own products and services.

At least once a year, we determine and review operational quality goals that will contribute to targeted improving products and services.